The universe loves you too.....

The universe loves you too.....

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi folks and welcome to my blog. I recently went through some traumatic changes in my life, I lost my fiance and my job.
Since my life has turned upside down, and the future I had planned no longer exists, I have been trying to find ways to stay positive and reinvent my life in a way that makes more sense to me. In this blog I am going to focus on positive thinking, to keep myself on track and maybe offer some inspiration to anyone else out there who may need it. If you can stay positive when your whole world crumbles around you, then you can do anything!

A positive way to spend your time-building wealth and helping others...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hope u had a great Holiday! Spring is here! It's time to bloom..."An optimist is the human personification of spring.” S. Bissonette

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