The universe loves you too.....

The universe loves you too.....

Welcome to my Blog!

Hi folks and welcome to my blog. I recently went through some traumatic changes in my life, I lost my fiance and my job.
Since my life has turned upside down, and the future I had planned no longer exists, I have been trying to find ways to stay positive and reinvent my life in a way that makes more sense to me. In this blog I am going to focus on positive thinking, to keep myself on track and maybe offer some inspiration to anyone else out there who may need it. If you can stay positive when your whole world crumbles around you, then you can do anything!

A positive way to spend your time-building wealth and helping others...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Some Inspirational Quotes About Love...

Aside from having to start a new career, I am also trying to heal from an incredibly painful breakup from someone I thought I was going to marry. I am using positive thinking to try and move beyond the trauma, and hopefully get to a point where it doesn't hurt to think of my ex. Here are some more bits of uplifting wisdom, which are love related. I hope you find something here that resonates inside you, or moves you in some way, in a positive direction.
Peace and Love to All,

If grass can grow through cement,
Love can find you at every time in your life.

Love is composed of a single soul
inhabiting two bodies.

In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.
-Janos Arnay

The loving are the daring.
-Bayard Taylor

We can only learn to love
by loving.
-Iris Murdoch

It's not love, but lack of love
which is blind.
-Glenway Wescott

The way to love anything, is to realize
that it might be lost.
-G.K. Chesterton

It is in the shelter of each other
that the people live.
-Irish proverb

A man is not where he lives
but where he loves.
-Latin proverb

To fear love is to fear life,
and those who fear life,
are already three parts dead.
-Bertrand Russell

Love your enemies,
for they tell you your faults.
-Benjamin Franklin

Better to have loved and lost,
then to have never loved at all.
-St Augustine

Love is letting go of fear.
-Gerald Jampolsky

Gravitation cannot be held responsible
for people falling in love.
-Albert Einstein

Love doesn't make the world go round.
Love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
-Franklin P. Jones

And think not you can guide the course of love.
For love, if it finds you worthy,
Shall guide your course.
-Kalil Gibran

The only true gift,
is a portion of yourself.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Hope orientation of the heart;
it transcends the world that is
immediately experienced,
and is anchored somewhere
beyond it's horizons.
- Vaclav Havel

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